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The bubbles of Bergen

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of Mateusz the giant bubble blower. I would like to share more pictures of him blowing giant bubbles.

This one was particularly challenging, as I was shooting with my dad's lens: A f/1.8, 50mm manual Nikon. It was a good opportunity to practice manual focus.

The day before, when I saw Mateusz for the first time, I took pictures and not a single one was in focus! The next day I went determined to do a better job. And I was happy with the end result.

I don't think this is a very sharp lens though -or maybe I didn't do a great job after all- and also I am not entirely happy with the editing. But I am not sure what needs to change. Maybe I will revisit this gallery later.

Until then I hope you like the pics!


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